


To nurture creativity and imagination

The music ideas and composition skills of students will be developed together with their performing and listening skills to cultivate their creativity and imagination;

To develop music skills and experience music production process

Students’ performance skills will be developed to enable their music experience and expression. Their imagination and music sense are cultivated during practice;

To nurture the ability to appreciate music

Students will learn how to understand music, respond to it and appreciate it, and hence build the aesthetic sense;

To understand music contexts

Students will understand the function of music and its relationship with culture.


Curriculum Planning


Curriculum Planning


The spiral teaching approach is employed. The curriculum proceeds from easy to hard. Students will learn and revisit different music concepts at each learning stage to acquire more complex music concepts and knowledge. 

The curriculum covers three main areas, i.e. listening, performance and creation. Integrative music activities are arranged for students to construct their music knowledge and skills, and develop their interest in music.


Teaching Strategies

Music creation, performance (singing and playing musical instruments) and listening are interrelated. Different types of learning activities are integrated and conducted in class, such as music movement, ad lib and ensemble, for students to learn music in different ways and attain the four learning aims. Catering for the learning diversity, diversified teaching strategies such as cooperative learning are used to facilitate students’ engagement in class.




  • Formative Assessment
    • Students’ performance is assessed holistically in day-to-day classes based on the learning objectives. For instance, there are assessments on class participation, worksheets, concert reports, self and peer assessment. We provide feedback to students so that they can review their learning performance and progress. 

  • Interim Assessment
    • Students’ learning performance is recorded in the thematic performance report.
  • Summative Assessment
    • Qualitative feedback is provided on the three key areas of listening, performance and creation. Students’ full year results are recorded on report cards.



Integrative music activities enabled diversified learning experience and enhance students’ engagement in class.



Students utilize the school-based music teaching materials, “Let’s Learn Music Together”, to create improvisational rhythm.



After music activities, students reflected on their learning in terms of “facts”, “feeling” and “finding”.




Students’ interest in music and self-confidence were developed by participating in music performance.




